WHO catches up with lawyer and reality TV personality Anna Heinrich before the premiere of Trial By Kyle.
The last time you were shocked
Kyle [Sandilands] definitely shocked me while filming Trial by Kyle. I think he’ll shock the audience, too, but they’re also going to see some compassion from him.
Last travel destination
I went to Europe on my Honeymoon. [Husband] Tim [Robards] and I went to Italy, Turkey and Spain. We saw a beautiful sunrise in Turkey. I’m not a morning persona usually, but it was worth it. Aside from that, the last time I travelled somewhere not overseas was to Melbourne to visit Tim on the set of Neighbours.
Last time you got sick
Im generally pretty lucky. I don’t get sick too often. The last time I can recall was probably last year. I get blocked up from sinus issues but I’ve never really been that ill. I do get nauseous sometimes, too, but I don’t think that really counts.
Last time you cried
That wold’ve been at my wedding, but not on the actual wedding day. I started crying on the day of the rehearsal as my dad was walking me down the aisle and the music started playing. They were happy tears.
As part of Ten’s Pilot Week, Heinrich, 31, appears in trial By Kyle, which airs Thursday August 23 at 8:30pm