When we’ve piled on a few extra kilos and are suddenly not feeling comfortable in our clothes (we’re blaming life in lockdown), it’s incredibly easy to panic and Google-search a quick-fix diet that will see us return to our ideal weight in just weeks.
But while extreme dieting may show results quickly, it’s most likely to be an ineffective weight management solution in the long-term. Studies have found that people who set more realistic weight-loss goals (read: healthier goals) tend to be more consistent with their results than those who favour yoyo diets or fad diets. Above all, quick-result diets are dangerous for your health, as they often cut-out food groups that contain essential nutrients.
Hard truth: in order to lose weight the healthy way, you need to take things at a healthy pace and ensure your body is still getting the goodness it needs.
Here, tips and tricks on how to lose weight healthily and kick your weight-loss goals.
1. Cut the alcohol
It’s not rocket science — most alcoholic drinks are fuelled by sugar. Alcohol is also a diuretic, which means when you drink, you’re letting go of all the good liquids and water quicker, which can result in dehydration (and kind of explains the hangovers).
One of the easiest ways to cut-back on your daily calorie intake is to take a break from alcohol. Or, if you’re setting the bar too high (no judgement here), try to at least make smarter drinking decisions: steer clear of high-sugar drinks and opt for soda water with spirits.
2. Rapid Loss meal replacement shakes
Rather than a restrictive diet, Rapid Loss Meal Replacement Shakes are a weight loss tool that’s based on the concept of burning more calories through exercise, activity and metabolism, than you consume, in food and fluid intake.
Formulated by Accredited Food Technologists, the shakes are high in fibre and packed with protein, helping to keep you feeling fuller for longer and rule out the temptation to overeat. They are also formulated with energy-boosting Guarana extract and B Vitamins, Iron and Magnesium to help reduce fatigue and tiredness. Plus, they also come with Vitamin C to help with the production of natural collagen for beautiful skin. (Win.)
The shakes come in six different flavours and can be used in recipes, meaning you’ll never get bored of them. Rather, you’ll actually love having them as a part of your diet and will achieve your weight-loss goals a whole lot faster.
Rapid Loss Meal Replacement Chocolate Shake, $27.95

Counting Chocolate and Salted Caramel among her favourite flavours, Rapid Loss customer Veronica lost 5.6 kilograms in just six weeks from using the meal replacement shakes.
“Over the six weeks I watched and took measurements, my waistline has returned,” she said. “I’m looking slimmer, is amazing with what and where the weight has gone from.
“Besides [losing] weight, I have noticed that my energy levels have increased; I am becoming more active, which is great to see, and another benefit of the program. Starting to rebuild my strength also.”

3. Change-up your approach to exercise
If you’re one of the lucky ones who loves to get physical every day, good for you. For the rest of us, squeezing in a workout each day can feel like a chore. While exercising may never be your favourite thing to do, a change in perspective could see you enjoying it a lot more.
On the night before you workout, pinpoint the exact time you are going to exercise. When you make workouts a part of your regular routine, rather than something you hope to get around to, you’ll be more likely to do it.
Find a physical activity you actually like — if you can’t stand walking, look to group classes that will help to motivate and challenge you. Also remember that if you aren’t having success in your chosen activity straight away, don’t get down on yourself. Fitness levels develop overtime and each day is one step closer to reaching your goals.
Lastly, stop looking to exercise as a solution to weight-loss and see it for the gift it is: a regular hit of endorphins.
4. Get kitchen adventurous
FACT: good-for-you meals don’t have to be boring or bland. Thanks to social media, there’s now plenty of opportunities to find recipes that tick both the healthy and delicious boxes.
Not a cook? There’s plenty of simple recipes that cater to beginners. Look up your meal favourites and Google substitution ingredients that will make meals lower in calories.
To kick start your weight-loss journey, try eliminating refined carbohydrates and replacing them with lower-in-calorie-but-just-as-nutritional carbohydrates from fruits and veggies. Easy dishes such as spaghetti Bolognese and homemade pizzas can be made using veggies such as zucchini and cauliflower.
Who knows? You may end up loving the kitchen!
5. Prepare for the snack attack
No matter how good our weight-loss intentions are at 9am, come 3pm, we can be feeling a lot less motivated. Rather than hit the vending machine or chocolate cabinet, rule out any temptation by preparing delicious treats and having them on standby.
Be realistic with yourself and listen to your cravings. If you are tempted by chocolate in the evenings, a standby banana won’t cut it. Rapid Loss offers a bunch of tasty snack recipes that will satisfy you without ruining your diet, such as low-calorie peanut butter protein balls, which are made with Rapid Loss Chocolate Shake rather than real chocolate, making them 100 per cent guilt free.
Brought to you by Rapid Loss