With 126 million followers on Instagram and a net worth of approximately $350 million, you would be hard pushed to rival the fame of Kim Kardashian. We watch Keeping Up With The Kardashians, we love her KKW Beauty range, and we can’t get enough of Kim and Kanye (the couple is expecting their fourth baby!)
The reality television star is accustomed to having every inch of her life scrutinised. Heck, remember when she had her bum x-rayed to quash those pesky booty-implant rumours? So it’s no surprise that the world wants to know how Kim works out and what she puts on her plate in order to get her signature body.
Read on to find out what Mrs. Kardashian West does to achieve her stunning figure.
Kim Kardashian’s Diet Plan
In April 2017, Kim was on vacation with friends in Punta Mita, Mexico. Despite her best efforts to keep a low profile, she and her friends were snapped walking along the beach by the paparazzi. The incognito photos were anything but (or should that be butt?) flattering.
“Oh my god,” said Kim as her assistant Stephanie Shepard showed her the pictures. “Like, I don’t get it. I literally don’t look like this.” Kim is well known for having a shapely rear, but the paparazzi photos made her bottom look significantly bigger, and seemed to focus on her cellulite. Kim expressed her frustration over the snaps, saying “People just body shame you and criticise you” when a picture is less than perfect.
It is easy to forget that although Kim doesn’t live a normal life, she is still a woman with emotions and insecurities just like the rest of us. At the time of this Mexico holiday, she wasn’t feeling her best.
“I definitely was not in my best shape, I hadn’t worked out in 12 weeks, I’d had two surgeries on my uterus, so I was already not feeling like myself” Kim told The View. She decided that, in light of these photos, it was time to get back in the game. She hired Melissa Alcantara (you can find her on Instagram as @fitgurlmel) to be her personal trainer after finding the female body builder on Instagram.
Mel is no soft-touch; she has Kim working out between 5-6 days a week. HIIT (high-intensity interval training), functional body movement, calisthenics – we’re exhausted just thinking about it Kim! If you follow Kim on Snapchat, you’ve probably seen Mel putting her through her paces. And boy, is she committed.
“Even though her schedule is crazy, she’s super-responsible and always shows up for her workouts,” says Mel. “She’s the best client and athlete you can have.”
Diet and exercise go hand in hand, so Mel also has a huge role to play in formulating Kim Kardashian’s diet. One of the first things she did as Kim’s personal trainer was to clean out the star’s pantry of anything unhealthy or overly processed – kind of like the Konmari Method, but with junk food instead of clutter! “Vanilla wafers, graham crackers, and rice crispy treats” were amongst the treats that were shown the door.
So, after the big pantry purge, what does Kim Kardashian eat?
What does Kim Kardashian eat in day?
It isn’t a big secret, the key to a Kardashian diet is eating clean and training mean!
- Kim has blueberry-oatmeal pancakes to keep her satisfied while she trains.
- For lunch, Kim combines protein and carbohydrates to keep her going and enjoys a meal of chicken, sweet potato and vegetables.
- The businesswoman and mother has fish and more vegetables for her evening meal
Pre-workout and post-workout meals
- Kim’s pre-workout and post-workout meals are small amounts of simple carbs, like sweet potato, and small amounts of protein and fat. You gotta put fuel in the engine if you’re going to work out as hard as Kim does!
Why does this diet plan work for Kim?
For one thing, Kim is disciplined. She is no stranger to following a strict weight loss diet. Kim has previously had success with the Atkins diet, citing it as the way she lost her baby-weight after her second pregnancy.
However, in recent years Kim has followed more of a ketogenic diet, which sees her eat good fats, protein and food which is low in carbs instead of cutting them out altogether.
It isn’t rocket science, Kim has just swapped fries for salad and has got a no-nonsense personal trainer in her corner.
Have people tried this Kardashian diet, and is it safe?
People try all sorts of ways to lose weight, but unfortunately not all of these methods are effective or safe. Diet pills or starving yourself are definitely not the way to go because you could end up putting yourself in danger.
These four women dieted like the Kardashians for a month under the supervision of a nutritionist, and each lady was happy with her results for different reasons.
However, they did mention that it is important to remember that the Kardashians are a privileged family who don’t have to buy their own groceries or cook their own meals (not hating on you Kim, that’s just the way it is)
The bottom line is, if you’re looking to get in shape and lose weight in a safe manner, your first point of call should be your GP or a qualified personal trainer.
In the mean time, you can find us watching Kim work her famous butt off while we eat comfort food. Go on Kim, workout out for the rest of us!