
Bride & Prejudice: Dylan speaks out about John

"I can’t bear to break his heart".
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Bride & Prejudice’s Dylan speaks to WHO about her relationship with Ange’s dad John, and how she feels about his strong beliefs against gay marriage. 


WHO: Whose idea was it to go on the show? Why did you choose to do it?

DYLAN: It was a bit of a combination for the idea. I saw the ad on social media and screenshot it and sent it to Ange with I think a ‘lol’ caption and she replied ‘imagine’ or something like that. And we never spoke about it again! Little did I know she had actually applied and then a couple of weeks later when I was hanging out the washing channel 7 called her!!! She was like…..’um babe, so you know that thing you sent me, well I applied, Georgie from Channel 7 wants to speak to you!’

We tossed up whether or not we wanted to share our story with the nation and ultimately the reason we decided to go ahead with it was because we realised we could be the voice for so many young or struggling LGBTQ individuals and shine a positive light on people coming out and sharing their stories without feeling ashamed.

In addition to, of course, the fact that the show was offering therapy and a situation in which Ange and John wouldn’t be able to just walk away from the subject and would actually have to have it out. Without the show they never would have spoken about it.


WHO: Is it hard for you to be with Ange when her dad doesn’t approve of your relationship?

DYLAN: The only person who has an affect on my relationship with Ange is Ange herself. Anyone else’s opinions or feelings towards us have no sway over my love for her. It’s hard to love Ange because of her taste in music [laughs], but certainly not because of her father’s beliefs.

ange dylan
Ange and Dylan (Credit: Seven Network)

WHO: You told John that you respect his honesty. Is that hard to do?


DYLAN: John is such a loving and caring human. He brought up all his kids to be exactly the same and I hold such a high respect for him in every way. Having respect for his honesty and respect for his beliefs when they go against my way of living is hard.

I want to sit there and preach science to him, facts about how God can’t be real and evidence that gay people are totally okay throughout their lives. But I can’t bear to break his heart or make him doubt something that means so much to him. It’s hard to keep my mouth shut, but I do it… for the most part.

WHO: Did you enjoy the dinner parties?

DYLAN: [Laughs] I loved the dinner parties! There was always some bit of goss coming out and some delicious drink to enjoy. Everyone felt really comfortable and open at the dinners and no subject was off limits. My kind of conversation!


Bride & Prejudice continues on 7 at 7:30pm

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