Sam Wood’s Bachelor ex Emily Ghougassian (née Simms) has detailed the harrowing experience she went through birthing her premature daughter Laila in July.
WATCH: Emily Simms shares video of baby’s first bath after premature birth
The 36-year-old former reality star shared photos on her Instagram showing the first time she held her daughter after she wasn’t able to touch her for an entire 24-hours post birth.
The expecting mother had suffered from pre-eclampsia and HELLP syndrome, forcing her to undergo an emergency c-section, with her premature baby being rushed to the NICU almost immediately.
“She was so tiny and so skinny. They quickly took her away to give her oxygen and bring her temperature up,” she wrote on her blog.
“I begged them to let me hold her, but she needed so much help, that they just held her near me for about 10 seconds and then took her into the NICU.”

“I was finally allowed to see my baby, a full 24 hours after giving birth to her. I can’t describe the emotions that came over me looking at her.
“My heart exploded with love and broke with sadness at the same time. She was so tiny, so fragile, so beautiful and she was ours.
“I was a very sick mum to a premature baby. I didn’t know how to deal with any of it. The tears didn’t stop flowing.”

It was in early July that Emily was rushed to hospital, seven weeks before Laila was due. It was the same weekend she had scheduled for her baby shower. She explained to her fans the risk she had of seizures, saying she was “just trying to keep her [baby] in for a bit longer”.
Before giving birth, she shared a candid shot of her face to Instagram to show the effects of pre-eclampsia and HELLP syndrome.
“This is me, three days before giving birth to Laila, laying in hospital, while my hubby was at my baby shower.”
She continued: “22kg of fluid in me. My face blew up. My lips look like I had been stung by a bee. I had red blotches all over my face and legs. Liver and kidney function getting worse each day. Low platelets. I felt awful.”

Since the birth, Emily has made a full recovery, sharing photos of her beautiful, healthy daughter on social media.