She’s one of the OG Love Island girls, and even if she didn’t make it through to the very bitter end, doggie daycare worker Millie Fuller, 24, always entertained—and spoke her mind. She speaks some more of it—would she go there with Eden?—with WHO’s Deborah Grunfeld

Say it ain’t so! What a shame Millie found a willie so late in the game. How dare they kick you out of the house?
Yes, exactly. How dare they!
Are you and Mark still solid? Have you made a plan for real life?
We’re good, we’re getting on really well [considering] we’re so polar opposite. Sometimes I give him a a bit of a hard time but he can handle it. We just had a little chat, we’re still going really strong. Just taking it day by day. We only live about 20 mins away from each other. So we’re going to hang out, he’s going to take me on a first proper date. Maybe go on a double date with Tayla and Grant when they get out of there too.
How far have you and Mark gone?
[We] have only kissed in the house.
In the house? What about last night?
(Laughs) We’ve kissed and cuddled, that’s it.
So tell us about the drama since Mac and Teddy left.
The night they left I realised some people are definitely playing the game. So I thought I would make it very clear that I knew exactly who and I wanted Australia to see that some people are fake in the villa. I took a moment to talk to the group about their judgement on Mark and my relationship. I thought I would dish back a bit. I was staring directly at Eden and Erin.
So Eden and Erin are having issues now.
They definitely have been having problems but those two are very sneaky, trying to avoid the cameras when they are having arguments.
So they don’t want Australia to see them fighting.
Those two are playing the game, they want to look like the perfect couple to everyone. I feel like cracks are starting to show, everyone in the villa can see it. They stop their fights when they see a camera and they like to have arguments in places where the microphone can hardly hear them.
How did you cope , living with Erin in the house?
We’re obviously not the best of friends, we have clashes of personalities. But I can handle Erin, I’m not intimidated by her at all. I think that intimidated her more than anything. Erin likes to be kind of a queen bee and I don’t really take that high school crap from anyone.
Were you the queen bee in high school?
No! I was lame in high school and that was cool. Lame kids in high school are always having so much more fun. Sophie Monk called me cool yesterday, so that’s good. I’ve never been called cool in my life.

How will you be with Erin in the future?
I don’t think we could ever be friends. But we went through an experience that no one else will ever understand. [Though] I think pigs will probably be flying before we are ever friends.
Who was your best friend in the house?
Tayla. From the moment she walked in the door, I said, “Thank God you are here.” Tayla is really real and down to earth and she is a really considerate girl. But she also wasn’t a pussy in expressing her feelings to anyone.
Is she really smitten with Grant?
Yeah, Tayla is so whipped on Grant and he is even worse. He is so much whipped on her. He definitely has regrets about his first few days in the villa but he’s redeemed himself and she’s head over heels.
Who do you think is playing the game?
Eden and Erin, definitely. They’re just very sneaky in the way they want to portray themselves in front of the cameras, cracks are definitely starting to show. Erin’s jealousy, she’s insecure and it really shines through. They will probably not last on the outside, in my opinion. It’s not all rosy with those two.
On the lie detector test, Eden said he’s attracted to you. Would you go there?
I think it’s funny. Would I go there with Eden? Yuck, no thank you. Not if he was the last guy on earth. I don’t think I would go there with any guy who has their last name tattooed on them. I find it so funny that Erin gets so jealous because it’s never going to happen in a million years. I don’t know why she lets her insecurities shine through like that.
Who should win?
I want Tayla and Grant to win. I don’t think they have ever hidden anything from the cameras. They are the most relatable couple in there, they have gone through so many hard times and come out stronger. And they never once played the game.
What about Josh and Amelia?
I think they are a good couple. Amelia is absolutely gorgeous, she’s so invested in Josh. But he needs to let go of the fact that he thinks he’s Australia’s golden boy and accept someone actually liking him. If he got over that, I think they’d go really well together. Amelia’s a genuine, beautiful girl. She’s come in for Josh, she hasn’t come in for fame. She gets quite affected when people say things that could be offensive to her and her relationship. The total opposite to me!
And Dom and Shelby?
They had a lot of cracks show yesterday.We had a lie detector test and it showed he doesn’t have genuine feelings for her and he’s there for personal exposure. So Shelby was a little bit hurt. I told her to use this opportunity to show she’s not weak.
Do you regret not getting close to anyone in the villa?
No, I feel like in the first few weeks I didn’t get to know everyone as well as I should have. I was so obsessed with Justin. He’s the funniest person I’ve ever met in my life.
Could you two have made a go of it?
Justin and I are too similar to get together. We’d absolutely annihilate each other in an argument but I love him to pieces, he’s a really good guy.
Would you go on another TV show?
Yeah, I would. It was definitely a really good experience and something I’d like to do again. I’m open to give anything a go when it comes to TV and reality shows. It’s been a really interesting experience, I’ve met so many people. It was amazing to be part of Love Island. So I’m up to give another show a go.
What did you miss most when you were in the Villa?
My dog, Tililah. (I know, it sounds like a hillbilly name). One of my dogs passed away a month before I came in, so with my other dog I was a bit of a helicopter mum. So now I really miss her after being in the villa for so long and I’m scared she’s going to be really upset with me. She’s like a socially awkward, scraggly kind of dog with wonky eyes, but I love her to bits. We got her like 11 years ago. My other dog was a rescue and had a really terrible life. When we got her she was covered in scars and had no fur and by the time she passed away she was like, “I don’t have to listen to you guys, no one’s going to be angry at me.”
What would you have done with the $50,000 prize money if you had taken it out?
If I had won the 50 grand and I was in a strong couple with someone, I would have put it to travelling with them. And I would want to put some to starting some sort of charity for abused animals. That would be really awesome. I also have my mum’s best friend, her baby was born with a special condition and I would want to put some money towards his recovery. I would want to leave the villa with someone who would want to put money into things that aren’t just all about themselves.
And finally, what’s your message to Australia?
I hope they enjoyed watching the show as much as I enjoyed being part of it. And that they can see that I was real from the beginning. I just want to say thank you for all the support. I hope there’s support!
Love Island airs nightly at 8.30 PM on 9Go! (till the finale on Thurs., July 5.)
Catch up all episodes now on 9Now.
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