
Love Island stars Eden and Erin confirm they’re moving in together

The reality TV faves get candid in an exclusive chat with WHO.
Channel 9

Love Island stars Eden and Erin may not have taken home the $50,000 winning prize, but the loved-up couple caught up with WHO and confirmed they plan to move in together, get married in the next few years and even have babies!


WHO: How are you feeling? 

Erin: Oh I’m feeling so great I just can’t wait to get back to Australia and start my life with Eden.

WHO: Are you still together?

Erin: Of course we’re still together, God!


WHO: Was it a shock that you didn’t win?

Erin: It wasn’t a shock that we didn’t win I would have been more shocked if we didn’t make it to the finale. Only because I feel like we were such a strong couple since the beginning. And like we said in the beginning, the aim of the game was to be a couple and we’ve done that!

Eden: Nah it wasn’t a shock as Erin said… It wasn’t a shock that we didn’t win and congratulations to Tayla and Grant.

WHO: What would you have done if you won the money?


Erin: I honestly didn’t really think that much but Eden and I said that we were going to spend it on finding a house together.

WHO: So you guys would move in together?

Erin: Oh yeah, that’s already going to happen and with the win, it would have been even better. It could start it off really quickly. 

WHO: So we’ll give you a few weeks?


Erin: Yeah we’ve already got all this planned I’ll take a few days to say hello to my friends and family when I get back to Melbourne and then I’m driving up to Sydney with my dog to meet Eden and his family and then we’ll come back to Melbourne for Eden to meet my family! In August, we’re moving in together. 

WHO: Where are you guys moving? Melbourne or Sydney?

Erin: I’m making the big move to Sydney!

WHO: So you’re moving in together… Can we expect you guys to tie the knot any time soon?


Erin: Well that’s not up to me! That’s up to Eden when he buys me a big diamond ring.

Edin: 2-3 years I’ll be popping the question for sure! Then after that, there could be kids. 

WHO: Ok, Erin. So you’re thinking he’s going to have to fork out a fair bit?

I’m going to say maybe around $17,000, but I mean if he wants to spend $1 Million no problem. 


WHO: Eden, you mentioned kids… Have you guys spoken about babies?

Erin: Of course, we have! We would love two kids. So I’d like to get married first and then start having children. I would love twin girls but I know Eden wants a girl and a boy.

WHO: There were reports that there was a pregnancy test found in the house. Can you shed some light on it?

Erin: [Laughs] I’m thinking to myself, how would we go about buying one? 


WHO: That was my next question. If did you needed it, how would you guys go about getting a pregnancy test anyway? 

Erin: We’re locked in the house – believe it or not that door is locked and we’re not allowed out the front. So no, there are no babies, no pregnancies… I am definitely not pregnant! 

WHO: Ok we’re going to get more personal, how did you go about contraception in the Villa?

Erin: Oh, my God, there are condoms all around the villa – you have no idea! I don’t know if you can see it on TV but there are bowls everywhere… It’s like breakfast, lunch and dinner, there’s a side of condoms everywhere.


WHO: Did you guys have sex in the Villa? 

Eden: Yeah we made love in the Villa, but we made love every day.

WHO: News broke that you guys were putting it on for the money, what do you say to that after walking away with no money? 

Erin: I’ll say that that’s definitely not true at all because we’re still together and the public can just wait and see how well our relationship is going to work out – whether we do or don’t have the money.


WHO: Why do you think Eden and yourself work so well as a couple?

Erin: I honestly believe its because our personalities are so similar. Eden is like a boy version of me. Also I’m the crazy one and he’s the calm one so we really balance each other out.

WHO: Fans were also speculating that you guys knew each other outside of the Villa, had you met before your Love Island experience?

I had never met Eden in my life – I often think I met him in another life and that’s why I know him so well but we definitely didn’t meet before the show. 


WHO: Going by what we saw onscreen, it looks like you girls absolutely despised each other – what’s your take on Millie post-show?

Erin: Millie and I just never got along from the beginning – our personalities are the type where we were either going to love each other or hate each other. It was a love-hate relationship, but that’s just how it was. And being on Love Island you just have to get along with people but we’re just so different I knew that we were never going to be best friends.

WHO: When Eden said that she was attractive, did that peeve you off?

Yeah, that bit pissed me off. Only because I don’t really like her that much and I didn’t want to hear it.


Erin: And the thing is its not like I was afraid Eden was going to fall in love with Millie, It was I don’t see what he was seeing and it was annoying.

WHO: We spoke to her and she confirmed that she would never want to be your friend…

Erin: Oh Thank God. Nah, I know that we won’t be friends on the outside and we both would agree on that and if we didn’t that would be very fake. 


WHO: What do you think of Tayla and Grant?

Erin: I’m so 50/50. At the beginningI was like I don’t know if they’re going to work out, but at the end they actually suit each other! They’re a cute couple.

WHO: Would you hang out with them outside?

Erin: No, I don’t feel like Tayla and Grant are people I want to hang out with on the outside, but I’d talk to them and be civil.


WHO: What really happened between yourself (Eden) and Grant? Why couldn’t you get on?

Erin: I feel like, to be honest, and I’m not being biased, I feel like Eden really handled himself well. There was a lot behind the scenes. I haven’t seen the show yet, but I know he handled himself really well.

Eden: We just ended up being two different people with two different personalities so we didn’t get along. So we bumped heads. Unfortunately, these things happen but we just leave it all in the past.

WHO: Would you dare cheat on Erin?


[Laughs] Oh no way! Erin is the love of my life.

WHO: What do you love most about Erin?

Eden: I love her eyes, her smile and definitely her fake boobs.

WHO: What are you most excited about doing in the future? 


Eden: Just to be alone together, after being in a house with so many people it would be very special.

WHO: Would you go back on TV?

 Oh for sure. I reckon I’d make a great actor, I reckon I’d make a great Robert DeNiro or Hugh Jackman.

WHO: Can we expect to see a Love Island spin-off based on you two?


Eden: Erin and I would take any opportunity that comes our way. A hundred per cent, for sure! 

For more on Love Island, pick-up a copy of WHO on-sale now!



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