
Married At First Sight Lauren Huntriss and Matthew Bennett leave the show

Our hearts are officially broken.
Channel 9

On Sunday night’s episode during the commitment ceremony, both a heartbroken Lauren and Matt decide to leave the Married At First Sight experiment. 


The couple spends the night apart after a huge fight at the dinner party where Matt revealed he wasn’t attracted to her to the boys – leaving Lauren feeling humiliated. 

“I can’t force Matt to be attracted to me, I just wanted him to tell me in private… To lose your virginity you have to be sexually attracted to them, I just felt like I was used. I wish we had waited a bit longer,” Lauren said in the ceremony to expert John. 



mafs lauren
(Credit: Channel 9)

“That’s what’s hurt me the most I disappointed someone I care about… Loz is amazing, I’m sorry I couldn’t give you what you needed,” Matt said. 

Then John asked whether he planned to stay or leave:

“I didn’t sleep much coming up to this decision… thinking about I don’t think I deserve a second chance, so I put leave,” he said. 

(Credit: Channel 9)

Lauren also chose to leave adding: “I don’t want to hate him and I don’t think I could he’s such a lovely guy. I am also leaving…You do mean a lot to me and I do care for you… seeing you come so far in two weeks and I’m hoping we can be friends,” she sobbed. 

Ok, we need five minutes. And maybe a few Ines memes to cheer us up.

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