Oh ScoMo…
This is the last thing you need!
It is a brand new year and for Prime Minister Scott Morrison that means a sparkly new family portrait.
The PM’s office released a stunning image on his official website pm.gov.au.
The photo shows Morrison, wife Jenny and daughters Lily and Abbey, all sitting in the garden with their family dog.
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But astute humans on the internet were ready to pick up on any issues.
And Scott Morrison has handed the people of Australia the photoshop fail of the week.
The PM’s shoes don’t seem to be real… or even on his feet.
The PM has since responded to shoegate with this statement:
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“The photo was doctored by the department of Prime Minister and Cabinet without the knowledge of, or authorisation by, the PM or the PM’s office. The PM much prefers his own shoes.”
On Wednesday, the PM’s office decided to crop Morrison’s feet out completely.