
Reverse Psychology: What Is Mercury Retrograde?

Is the struggle real? Mercury retrograde isn’t the worst thing ever and we’ll show you why!
An illustration of the solar systemGetty

So, what exactly is Mercury retrograde, and what does it mean for you? 


Mercury appears to reverse its direction several times a year. For centuries, people associated this astronomical phenomenon with bad juju that we can’t seem to shake off. Astrology claims that a retrograde can mess up your career, relationships, and plans. But is there any truth to it? We’re here to demystify this age-old belief and show you why there’s nothing to fear!

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What Is Mercury Retrograde?

In astronomy, the term ‘retrograde’ refers to the backwards motion of a planet. But if you think Mercury is moving in reverse, you’re dead wrong! Planets may appear retrograde, but they orbit the sun in a prograde manner. By definition, this means that they move forward in one direction. Mercury’s speed, which is four times faster than Earth’s, gives us the illusion that it’s going the other way.

An illustration of Mercury in front of a bright star
(Credit: Getty)

Named after the Roman god Mercury, the planet rules over information, transportation, commerce, and technology: some of the most important aspects of modern life. Your gadgets could start acting up, your car could break down, you could miss a flight, or even get into fights! No matter how careful you are, life is naturally unpredictable and things won’t always go your way.

History Of Mercury Retrograde

The unusual mechanism of retrograde planets baffled early astronomers. Many scholars accepted Ptolemy’s geocentric model until the 16th century, believing that the Earth was stationary at the centre of our solar system. But an astronomer named Copernicus challenged everything they knew with his heliocentric model of the galaxy. What appears to us as motions of the sun arise not from its motion, but from the motion of the earth and our sphere, with which we revolve about the sun like every other planet.

An illustration of the solar system
(Credit: Getty)

Mercury Retrograde Effects

Astrology buffs claim that Mercury retrograde can influence our moods, thoughts, and overall well-being. Some people have sworn that it has brought them great misfortune and confusion. Others use it as a chance to reset, slow down, and exercise patience. While we don’t have to cancel all our plans, here’s a short list of some things we’re not supposed to do during the retro season:

  • Sign contracts
  • Start big projects
  • Apply for a new job
  • Start relationships
  • Buy gadgets or cars
  • Hit up your ex
  • Argue or debate
A couple arguing in the kitchen
(Credit: Getty)

Life On Mercury Retrograde

Lots of crazy stuff can happen during a retrograde, but don’t let it get to you. Instead, find the time to recalibrate, reassess, and revisit some personal issues you’re still working on. Take some extra measures to be more understanding of yourself and others. Here are some tips to cleanse your energy and bring good vibes into your otherwise chaotic life:

  • Meditate
  • Exercise or Yoga
  • Take some time off
  • Consult the tarot
  • Read a book
  • Make art or music
  • Connect with loved ones

When Is Mercury In Retrograde?

Mercury retrograde occurs three to four times a year and lasts about three weeks at a time. Mark the dates on your calendar so you can reflect on the past, appreciate the present, and be ready for the future!


  • March 22 to April 15 in Aries
  • July 26 to August 18 in Leo and Scorpio
  • November 16 to December 6 in Sagittarius and ends in Scorpio 


  • March 5 to March 28 in Pisces
  • July 7 to July 31 in Leo and ends in Cancer
  • October 31 to November 20 in Scorpio


  • February 28 to March 9 in Pisces, ends in Aquarius
  • June 17 to July 12 in Cancer
  • October 13 to November 3 in Scorpio, ends in Libra

The planet aligns with certain zodiac signs with every retrograde. Astrologers use this method to get a more accurate picture of what to focus on during each period. Some signs may be more affected than others, depending on your chart. Though some psychics believe there are pre-retrograde and post-retrograde effects, you can rest easy knowing that Mercury retrograde doesn’t last forever.

A woman holding an iPhone and tablet with calendar
(Credit: Getty)

Survival Stories

Are we all doomed to suffer Mercury’s wrath? Not for long, but we can’t deny that Mercury retrograde’s meaning has taken on a life of its own. There are tons of hilarious stories out there that blame their streak of bad luck on retrogrades. You can check them out at!

Science or Superstition?

While there’s no scientific evidence proving that Mercury retrograde directly affects us, no one has debunked it just yet. The great forces at work might seem like they’re beyond explanation, but our perceptions and expectations have a lot to do with what happens to us. Our minds are so powerful that any belief can manifest into reality, just like magic! We play a bigger part in it than we thought, so why not flip the narrative?


A Matter of Perspective

Now that we’ve given you a different point of view, you’ll be ready for the next Mercury retrograde coming up at the end of the month! When you’re having a bad day, just keep calm and know you’re not alone. Whether you’re a sceptic or a believer, life won’t give you anything you can’t handle! 

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