WHO’s Sexiest: Pia Miranda and Janine Allis take their power alliance to a new level

"This is my soulmate."
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Actress Pia Miranda and businesswoman Janine Allis forged a powerful alliance on Survivor. Now the duo are making plans for their next big move.

WHO’s SEXIEST: Rapid fire questions with Pia Miranda and Janine Allis

How would you sum up your year in a word?

Allis: It’s been the weirdest year!

Miranda: You can’t have an experience like Survivor and not have a year that is challenging. It was a year of friendships, self discovery, the biggest highs and lowest lows. We did them together, which is what bonded us.

Why do you think you hit it off so well?

Miranda: Some people try to rush relationships, whereas ours happened organically. J is so funny, and welaugh all day andbefore you knew it, we were bonded for life.

Allis: One of Pia’s superpowers is she actually knows people and she knowwho’s boss. She knew was loyal.

“J never annoyed me, not for one second. This is my soulmate.” (Credit: WHO by Ed Purnomo)

What do you think bonds you the most?

Allis: Our children we’ve both got daughters that are a similar age. [Janine has Tahlia, 10, and Pia has Lily, 9.]

Miranda: Yoga and humour bonds usWe were so excited to be in the real world and start sharing a friendship. Who else can you spend 44 days with? J never annoyed me, not for one second. This is my soulmate.

Pia, how did you cope with the backlash after you voted out fan favourite Luke Toki?

Miranda: I didn’t fall apart over it because I found it such female issue was the only female in that situation the boys got nothing and got everything! Having a friend like Janine there, you can talk it through and go, ‘No, this can embolden me and I should probably try to make a difference.’

What’s next for you two?

Miranda: Actually, we are working on something together. It’s not happening tomorrow, but there’s all sortsof ideas.

WHO’s SEXIEST: BTS with Pia Miranda and Janine Allis

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WHO’s sexiest 2019 is out now!

(Credit: WHO)

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