In the dystopian future world of Netflix series Altered Carbon, Dichen Lachman plays Reileen Kawahara, a warrior woman whose memories have been attached to a new human body. In current-day Los Angeles, where Lachman is based, the Australian actress and former Neighbours star, 36, is a mum to a young daughter and, along with her co-star Joel Kinnaman, one of WHO’s Most Beautiful People for 2018.
What do you recall as your earliest conception of beauty?
I think my earliest conception of beauty was with nature, but I also remember being very young and infatuated with a young Englishman who was living with my family. I thought he was beautiful.
When do you feel the most beautiful?
I felt the most beautiful when I was five months pregnant… I felt pretty amazing. It was a really special time—my body felt alive and like it had a special purpose. Also, my chest was amazing. It didn’t last.
How fitting is it that in the terminology of the show, human forms are called “sleeves”?
I think the term “sleeve” works well because in this world, bodies are something you wear. Your body is not who you are.
If you slip into someone else’s skin for a day, who would you be and why?
I’d like to try maybe being a man, just curious. Not forever—I love being a woman.
What do you find most beautiful in your fellow cast members?
Everyone in the cast inspired me for different reasons. We were all so beautifully diverse but also, they were all so passionate and talented. Joel is so committed to his work. It was remarkable to see and discover the different facets as we worked together playing brother and sister.
To hear more from Dichen Lachman and other actors in our special, pick up WHO’s Most Beautiful People issue on newsstands today.