Lena Dunham was born on 13 May, 1986, which makes her 32 going on 33. She attended Oberlin College, a liberal arts college in Ohio, US where she began her film making career. After posting a few short films on Youtube, Dunham’s career took off.
She made a short film called Tiny Furniture, a semi-autobiographical movie which won two awards: one for for Best First Screenplay and another for Best Narrative Feature. Winning the awards got her noticed by HBO who gave her the green light to make the TV show Girls, in 2011.
Girls is about Hannah Horvath. Immature and narcissistic, Horvath, played by Lena Dunham, is a wannabe writer with three best friends; Marnie (Alison Williams), Jessa (Jemima Kirke) and Shoshannah (Zosiah Mamet). She also has an on-off boyfriend, Adam and an ex-boyf, Elijah, who’s now come out as bisexual.
Horvath is constantly whining about her life and is possibly one of the most sarcastic and annoying characters on TV. But that’s why people love her.
She is the flatmate, friend or colleague we’ve all had, and the show depicts the highs and lows of life as an aspiring 20 year old who thinks they know everything but actually knows nothing.
And, she’s constantly spouting inappropriate one liners. “Maybe I don’t care about being polite, okay, because it’s a Wednesday night, baby, and I’m alive.”

How tall is Lena Dunham?
Little Lena is 160cm.
What does Lena Dunham weigh?
The Taurean actress weighs around 66kg.
Who are Lena Dunham’s parents?
Carroll Dunham (father) is a painter and Laurie Simmons (mother) is an artist and photographer.
How many siblings does Lena Dunham have?
Dunham has one sister, Grace, who is an actress and poet.

What is Lena Dunham’s net worth?
Dunham’s net with is said to be around $12million.
Where did Lena Dunham grow up?
Dunham lived and went to school in New York City.
Where does Lena Dunham currently live?
Dunham has an apartment in upmarket Brooklyn, New York that’s currently for sale. The list price is $4.8million.

Has Lena Dunham ever appeared completely nude in Girls?
Nudity is par for course in Girls. I’m not sure there’s even an episode where Horvath isn’t seen at least partially naked.
How many tattoos does Lena Dunham have?
According to stealherstyle.net she has 24 tattoos. They include various words and phrases, an elaborate inked chain under her breasts, ‘RIP Judy’ (referring to her surgically removed uterus), dogs, cats, roses and dolls.
Is Lena Dunham married?
No, Lena Dunham is not married.
Does Lena Dunham have a boyfriend?
Although she has been photographed out on the town with another man, Dunham appears to be single.
Lena Dunham and Jack Antonoff
Dunham is currently single but dated singer and musician Jack Antonoff for over 5 years. The pair split in early 2018 after she had a hysterectomy. Dunham was vocal about the split saying it was mutual and that she was OK with Antonoff dating her best friend Lorde shortly after.
Does Lena Dunham have children?
Lena Dunham has expressed her sadness about being unable to have children. On Feb 17, 2018, Dunham posted a message on Instagram addressing the fact she’d just had a hysterectomy.
“Your body failing you is a loss that’s hard to explain and yet the amount of messages I’ve gotten from women in a similar predicament has been so overwhelming, loving and heartening. More than 20 million women in America are living with hysterectomies … I have a broken heart and I hear those don’t mend overnight, but we are linked forever by this experience and our refusal to let it hold any of us back from even the grandest dreams.”
Is Lena Dunham on Instagram?
Yup, Dunham is an avid Instaposter. Follow Lena Dunham on Instagram.
Is Lena Dunham on twitter?
And she loves to tweet. Follow Lena Dunham on Twitter.
Sex scenes
Although it’s rated PG-13 there are plenty of sex scenes in Girls. Hannah Horvath is constantly in the nude or partially naked. There’s also references to anal sex, bad sex, blow jobs and more awkward moments than you can shake a tube of lube at.
Dunham is definitely not shy when it comes to showing off her body.
If you Google Lena Dunham, you’ll see pages of her saying sorry for offending people for perceived racism to sexism and just as many where she’s asked for forgiveness.
The biggest apology however was published in The Hollywood Reporter in May 2018. Dunham had accused Aurora Perrineau of lying about being raped by Murray Miller, one of the writers on Girls.
Despite the charges never coming to anything, Dunham posted a lengthy apology to Perrineau in THR saying “I believe you.”
Short hair
Style and Hannah Horvath go together like hairballs and cucumber. In other words, they do not co-exist. Hannah’s dress sense is frumpy, brown and frankly, unstimulating (which is how she described her friend Shoshannah in one episode).
In Girls, Horvath’s hair was constantly changing. Her hair has been long, short and everything in between. Nothing beats the short fringe/bowl cut that began as an attempt to recreate Carey Mulligan’s cute pixie crop. TV gold.
“I’m an individual and I feel how I feel when I feel it.”
Check out the scene (above) where she cuts off her hair into a bowl then calls her friend for support.