In 1980, Stephen King’s novel The Shining was released as a movie which tore fans of the book apart due to the largely altered final act. In the novel, King let cook Dick Hallorann survive and he blew up the Colorado hotel in a fiery gas explosion.
It has since been revealed that director Stanley Kubrick’s motivation behind killing off Hallorann with an axe to the heart and adding a riveting hedge-maze chase was due to him finding it too cliché to just blow everything up at the end.
Despite this, many people still enjoyed the film and audiences were left feeling shivers down their spine at the sight of the ghostly Grady twins who haunt the halls over the Overlook Hotel and beckon to Danny to come play with them in a monotone voice.
Lisa and Louise Burns were 12-years-old when they appeared in The Shining. Now aged 50, the twin actresses haven’t appeared in any further films.
The twins appeared in an episode of the tv show Kids in 1971 before taking on their roles in The Shining.
Although they have since stepped away from the limelight, in 2014 they did attend a 50th anniversary screening of Dr. Strangelove at the British Film Institute in London.
The twins now share a Twitter account where they regularly retweet posts about the film and their characters, as well as keeping the world updated with tweets of their own.

Take a trip back through the most popular Hollywood TV shows and movies of the 80s, 90s and noughties, as the casts of Dawson’s Creek, Family Ties, Felicity, Buffy The Vampire Slayer reunite and reflect on the most memorable moments.