Things got a little tense on the Hit105 breakfast radio show as hosts Osher Günsberg and Matty Acton had a major disagreement.
While discussing favouritism in the workplace, Acton referred to a boss as a male, saying “he”, leading Osher to correct him by saying “if she’s sweet with it, Matty.”
Frustrated by the correction, Acton said “can I say anything at the moment?
Osher went on to argue about the gender that Acton used in his statement.
“You do have an implicit bias to constantly put men in,” said Osher. “You’re being a puppet for the patriarchy.”
“If it’s he, she, maybe you’re transgender, maybe you’re a lesbian, I don’t care!” Matty snapped back.
As Osher ignored him and answered a call from a listener, Matty remarked: “Yeah, run away, you pussy.”
“I’m sorry?” Osher responded. “Matty, have you not noticed that every time you mention a boss you always say he?”
Their co-host Abby Coleman interjected with: “He’s just using a phrase. Can we not argue?”
They then dropped the fight to allow the caller to speak.
At the end of the show, Günsberg and Acton told their listeners that they had patched things up since their argument, with Acton calling it a “misunderstanding”.
“Me and Osh are fine. We worked it out in about three minutes … All is sweet, until we have our next fight.”
See also…