Alex Bordyukov – also known as Alex Bordy – created a big stir on Rachel’s season of The Bachelor US, where his didn’t win her love – but he was named the best dressed of the season!
Now the only non-Australian among the cast of Channel 10’s reality TV hit, Bachelor in Paradise, the chiselled, 31-year-old hunk looks set to be hot property. But who exactly is he, and what is he looking for in a woman?
We have all the answers, and everything you need to know.
Working in fleet management back in Grosse Pointe Park, Michigan, he knows his way around a car just as well as the menswear department.
The 6’2″, chiselled hunk also sports model good looks – but that apparently hasn’t helped him find long term love.
He told US network ABC that his best characteristics are being ‘adaptable, logical and fun’ but also confesses to sporting the less appealing attributes of being ‘selfish, unemotional, and unapologetic.’
Speaking to Glamour magazine, he described himself as ‘Very easy going, very goofy; I’m unorthodox.
‘I like flashy but in an approachable way. I’ve been told I can be intimidating. I can see, if I was wearing dark suits, I could be a Bond villain.
‘So, my clothes will show my personality a little more, and you’ll see this guy is not so scary.’
But if you think his penchant for fashion means he’s a sensitive new age guy, think again – he confesses the most outrageous thing he’s ever done is ‘eating a salamander’.
He’s also less likely to give you a bunch of roses than something far more practical – but the good news is he thinks big. He once gave a woman a car.
‘I like to treat my significant other like a queen,’ he says.
But that doesn’t extend to making the first move – he wants women to throw themselves at him.
‘I like a woman that pursues me,’ he told ABC. ‘I like an aggressive, go-getter type.’
Being rejected by Rachel on The Bachelor US didn’t leave him bruised, though. I fact he seemed to take the whole thing in his stride.
‘At the end of the day, it’s about her, [and] who’s the best match for her,’ he told Glamour. ‘It’s not an ego thing for me. You can’t be the best for everyone.
‘If someone’s more compatible with her than I am, I won’t take it personally.’
So why is he still single? Alex admits he has only been in two serious relationship – and it remains to be seen if that changes on Bachelor in Paradise.
‘I’ve only ever really dated two girls seriously, so I’ve only had two relationships,’ he told Glamour. ‘One four years; one five years. The first one was out of high school.
‘My weakness was I was whipped like crazy!’
For his ideal date, he’d like to go ice skating or rock climbing, describing himself as ‘very active’. But he’s into the good stuff too.
‘I don’t know if I’m supposed to say it, but I love to cuddle. And I’m the little spoon, obviously.’