
Sarah Harris on her pregnancy: ‘It was a bit of a surprise’

The 'Studio 10' co-host announces she is expecting her second child in December.
Channel 10

In April, Studio 10 presenter Sarah Harris fended off pregnancy rumours by playfully tweeting at WHO, “Have you been speaking to my uterus? That’s news to me!”

Now, Harris says with a laugh, it’s news to all. She announced on the June 13 show that she and husband Tom Ward were expecting their second child in December, a newborn to join 18-month-old son Paul.

“It was a bit of surprise actually,” Harris, 35, tells WHO. “We knew we wanted another one but we thought we would be waiting until the end of the year, but life is what happens when you’re busy making other plans!”


Harris concedes she had wanted to reveal her status for a while, but she wanted to make sure she made it safely through her first trimester. “You know you’re acting a bit strange and you can’t explain to people why you are acting a bit strange,” she says.

Leave it to the show’s fans to know better. “I thought Jessica Rowe, who’s not just my co-host but one of my dear friends, I thought she would have picked it,” Harris says, “but she claims that she had no idea. Our whole audience knew, though. We have this very loyal and beautiful studio audience full of mothers and grandmothers and aunts and sisters and they’ve been around the block a few times and they can spot a pregnancy from a mile away.”

Of course, trying to hide a bump wasn’t easy, Harris says. “It’s tough at best of times, but on the show, they take shots of you from every angle imaginable,” she says. “There’s no hiding! So I’ve been trying to wear flouncy clothes and all that sort of stuff and try to suck in my stomach on side shots!”

And with Joe Hildebrand’s second child Bonnie, whom he welcomed with his wife Tara in March, Harris says, “Holding his brand new baby daughter the other day, you just forget how quickly you forget what it’s like, you know? I was holding her thinking, ‘Gee, she’s so small and fragile.'”

But Harris is ready for No. 2 and so is her husband. “One of the most beautiful things about the parenthood journey is seeing how your partner takes on the role,” she says, “and you kind of fall in love all over again when you see him interact with your child.”


With son Paul, “They are obsessed with each other, those two,” Harris says. “Paul just loves his dad and Tom is just as nutso about Paul. It’s so special to see them. There is just a way that Paul looks at his dad.”

As a new addition is on its way, Harris says Paul is still too young to understand he will be a big brother. “He’s got no idea,” she says. “I’ve been sort of pointing to my belly and saying, ‘Baby.’ He kisses my belly, which is very sweet.”

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