
Michael Jackson scandal: Aussie family ‘blamed mum’ for sex abuse hell

Wade Robson's family tell of the hell that engulfed them after sex allegations
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Warning: the below article contains descriptions of sexual abuse


Bombshell Michael Jackson documentary Leaving Neverland has not only got people talking about child sex abuse – but it has cast light on its distressing wake, with alleged victim Wade Robson’s Aussie family revealing in devastating detail how the allegations have torn their relationships apart.

Wade, who famously won a Brisbane child dance competition, aged 7, and moved to the US to be with the star, all with the enthusiastic backing of his mother Joy, says he was sexually abused by Jackson between the ages of 7 and 14.

He says the first instance was when he was left alone by his mother with Jackson at the Neverland ranch for a week – just days after she had met the star. Among other horrific allegations, he says he was made to perform oral sex on the singer while his mother was away.

Now family members have expressed their anger towards Joy, who some of them felt broke up their family to chase fame and Michael Jackson.


For her part, Joy insists she did not know that her son was under threat from Jackson, who has since been publicly accused of sex abuse by four of his former pre-teen companions – including her son.

Wade says some abuse occurred while his mother was in the next room. 

‘It was like being hit by a truck,’ Joy says in Leaving Neverland of learning Wade’s news. ‘I really didn’t know.

Wade is still coming to terms with what happened (Credit: Leaving Neverland / Channel 10)

‘I held him and held him and we sobbed together,’ she recalls in the documentary. I said I have to take some of the blame for this. I am your mother and I didn’t protect you.

‘And that’s what he wanted to hear, apparently.’

Wade’s brother Shane remained in Australia with his father – who later committed suicide. He has expressed his fury at Joy over what happened.

‘I was angry at mum,’ he told the documentary. ‘I was angry at mum before that, for breaking up the family to start with for this whole Michael Jackson nonsense.


‘I don’t care who some guy is, how do you leave your seven-year-old kid to have sleepovers at their house, that’s just f***ing crazy. As a parent I just don’t understand how that’s possible.’

Joy admits that Wade’s wife Amanda was so angry with her about the abuse, that she was banned from their house for five months.

‘Amanda wouldn’t allow me into their home,’ she told Leaving Neverland. ‘Wade and I would meet so that I could see his son. We had to meet in a park.

Joy says she doesn’t know if she can ever forgive herself (Credit: Leaving Neverland / Channel 10)

‘I was so hurt. I thought she blamed me.’

But worse was to come. Working through his emotions with the help of a therapist, Wade confronted Joy with his distress over her perceived role in what happened.

‘He told me he felt no emotion for me,’ said Joy, clearly devastated. ‘As a mother that’s the last thing you want to hear from your child.’

Wade now says that things are improving with his mother, and sees their relationship as a work in progress. But it seems that some things will never be the same.


‘The anger for my mother from my family in Australia goes so deep’, says Wade’s sister Chantal. ‘I was afraid that my mum would do something to herself because of the shame of not knowing.’

But it’s Wade who carries the greatest burden, as he comes to terms with the pain that has ensued.

‘My whole life with Michael was the reason my family split up, and we moved to America,’ he says. ‘It’s all wrapped up in that. And now the whole foundation of that story was bullshit.’

The estate of Michael Jackson maintains the late star’s innocence. 


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