Heidi and Mike’s relationship has been on the rocks and the truth came out on Wednesday’s episode of Married At First Sight when Ning asked them how things were going.
“There’s something different about you. Even when I walked in tonight, I thought, I don’t know,” Ning said.
Mike was quick to respond, saying “It’s a funny process really. We go from strength to strength and then back a little bit, but we’ve got to just figure it out.”
“We will figure it out. I care about this girl,” he continued, “and I know she cares about me.”
Ning said she could see that, but when Mike said “sometimes that’s all you need, Heidi couldn’t contain her feelings much longer.

“I want us to work, I really deadset want us to work, I just don’t know how,” she said.
“[Mike’s] saying, “Oh yeah, you can come and live with me, and then we can have a baby”, but then he sits there and goes, “Maybe I could fall in love with you?”
But it appears she may have interpreted it wrong, because Mike jumped in to clarify himself.

“When I said that, I said, “You know what,” I looked in her eyes and I thought it was a moment actually, where I said, “You know what, I could fall in love with you.”
“I guess for me that doesn’t warrant a moody, angry response. Because the moody thing will end it – that will end it.”
That didn’t sit well with Heidi, who fired back saying: “I am not moody, I react to what you do!”

The conversation then turned sour, when Mike said Heidi had said she needed to move in with him.
“I don’t need to live anywhere,” Heidi cussed. “I am 38 years old, and I can live wherever I want!”
Yikes… Will they survive Sunday’s dinner party?