My Kitchen Rules: Piper stoops to a new low

Is there anything she wouldn't do to win?

Things are getting worse and worse for Piper.

As the competition wears on, fans are starting to see the true colours of the American-born beauty queen.

In tonight’s episode the mum of two came under scrutiny for turning on the water works in a bid to win votes from the public during the Young Henry’s challenge.

(Credit: Seven)

“I’m going to do anything that it takes,” Piper admitted, moments before crying to some of the waiting crowd and begging for high scores.

“We had a time restraint today so we’re hoping for 10s from everyone because it’s going to save us from elimination next time.”

And it didn’t go unnoticed by sassy Sydney friends Ibby and Romel.

“Piper’s crying to the public for sympathy votes. Piper looks desperate. It’s not pretty,” Romel said.

“Piper is revealing how low she will stoop to win.”

While they may have escaped elimination, it seems the heat is only set to intensify on Piper the viper…

For more reality TV goss, listen to the newest episode of reality TV podcast Real Talk with Holly & Ali below.

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