Wednesday on The Bachelor we saw Nick Cummins’ family crash his group date in order to meet and get to know the bachelorettes.
Here, we talk to the Honey Badger’s sister, Bernadette, on why they chose a certain lady for the extra time and what she thinks about Nick’s past relationships.
WHO: Is Brooke the one for Nick?
BERNADETTE: That’s the million dollar question. I guess time will tell. As a family we choose Brooke to join us for dinner because we were drawn to her beautiful personality and her love of sport. Dad, Jake and I loved that about her.
WHO: What about Cass?
BERNADETTE: I haven’t had much to do with Cass but from what I know, she’s a super sweet young lady.
WHO: Has Nick attracted the wrong type of girls in the past?
BERNADETTE: Being a high profile personality, there is a fear of whether the girl you meet is in it solely for you, but Nick’s a good judge of character. I suppose there really is no ‘wrong’ type of girl, people connect in certain times in their lives for a reason. We all have something to learn, Nick is no different.