
Keira Maguire: “Why Jarrod dumped me”

The Bachelor In Paradise star did not hold back!

Keira Maguire shocked fans when she announced the breakdown of her relationship with boyfriend Jarrod Woodgate. 


With explosive arguments, commitment fears and jealously, reality star Keira, 31, opens up in an exclusive interview with WHO to set the record straight. 

“It was Jarrod who broke up with me,” reveals a heartbroken Keira. “I really believed we’d live happily ever after. I was so ready for that and nothing else in my life really mattered.”

keira jarrod
(Credit: Instagram)

Having mapped out their lives together Keira imagined imminent wedding bells and hoped to quickly follow their special day with a baby. But unfortunately, it wasn’t meant to be.

“Jarrod didn’t like the fact I didn’t have a full-time job,” she explains.


“He would make me feel bad about my lifestyle, because my job was doing endorsements and he’s about working hard in a nine-to-five job. I used to work in the corporate world, but he didn’t know me then, so he didn’t see that and it made me feel really down.”

See also: Jarrod Woodgate breaks his silence following split from Keira

Feeling the pressure from the vineyard manager, Keira tried in vain to live up to his expectations by helping him out on the family farm.

“He’d put me down about the way I did it and I really started to feel so insecure,” she says blinking back the tears.

“It affected our relationship because I wouldn’t say anything and I would go back to Melbourne after an argument and we wouldn’t see each other.

Keira admits that despite their arguments she was still absolutely blindsided when the love of her life ended their relationship.

“I never thought he would get up and leave me,” she says. “And that’s what he did. It got hard and he walked away from everything. I didn’t think he was that kind of person.”

Now Keira regrets moving in with Jarrod so quickly.

“It wasn’t ideal to move,” she says. “We were supposed to get our own house, but at the time we were still in hiding for the show so I moved in with his family who made me feel so welcome, but I am such a big personality I really feel we needed our own space to start with. Maybe we could have got through this if we did.”

Read the full story in this week’s issue of WHO, on sale now.


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