There’s not much that’s private about the lives of Roxy Jacenko, 39, and Oliver Curtis, 34.
WHO’s SEXIEST: Rapid fire questions with Roxy Jacenko and Oliver Curtis
When the first episode of reality series I Am Roxy aired during Channel Ten’s pilot week, the nation was given aglimpse into the couple’s relationship like never before.
And now the pair – who have been married for eight years and have two children together, Pixie, 8, and Hunter, 5 – have opened up to WHO about what goes on when the cameras are turned off.
What is sexy to you both?
CURTIS: Confidence. 100 per cent.
JACENKO: Yeah, I think it’s confidence. It’s not really the exterior for me. That’s something you look at when you’re younger. Though I never had really a good-looking boyfriend until I met you.
CURTIS: Oh burn!
JACENKO: For me, because I am dominant and everyone knows that, and I have my own business and I come with my own life, the confidence –you have to be able to deal with that because not many guys have that confidence. So, that’s sexy to me.
Since Oliver got out of jail, you’ve been working together. How does that affect your relationship?
CURTIS: She does her thing. I support her in everything she does and obviously I’ve always got her back.
JACENKO: He was the only one who ever did. There were a lot of people who took from me, which was particularly not sexy. I bought a boat for a bloke and then he dumped me.

How different are you as a couple behind closed doors?
JACENKO: What you see is what you get. We bicker like this. Everyone who wants to paint this picture that they don’t bicker and don’t argue…it’s rubbish.
CURTIS: We’ve got a weird relationship.
JACENKO: We do. But we’re best friends. I’m very happy with that. There’s longevity in that. For me, there wasn’t longevity in having someone I’m overly obsessed with and want to be with every second of the day.

Are you ever affectionate with each other?
CURTIS: She’d like to say that she isn’t, but she actually is. When she comes home, of course.
JACENKO: Maybe if I’m drunk.
CURTIS: Well, that helps. You usually do have a couple of glasses of wine.
JACENKO: I am not, by any stretch, a touchy-feely person.
CURTIS: No, you don’t like public displays of affection.
WHO’s SEXIEST: BTS with Roxy Jacenko and Oliver Curtis
WHO’s sexiest 2019 is out now!