Things haven’t been easy for Elizabeth ‘Lizzie’ Sobinoff since the last season of Married at First Sight.
WATCH: MAFS’ Mishel blasts Elizabeth during EXCLUSIVE Q&A
The 28-year-old, who was famously cheated on by Sam Ball, has been the source of many headlines since she appeared on the popular reality show.
First, it was Lizzie’s dramatic weight loss, followed by a very public falling out with former friend and MAFS castmate Cyrell Paule. However, many viewers are still unaware of the serious health battles the outspoken TV personality has overcome – both recently and over the course of her life.
Less than two years ago, the Sydney retail manager was diagnosed with porphyria, an autoimmune disease similar to lupus, which led to photosensitivity and hair loss.

The lesser known, but far more serious, health struggle she has faced, concerns her mental health. In a heartbreakingly honest interview with YouTube channel Beyond Beautiful, Lizzie revealed she was sexually abused at the age of 6.
Dealing with the abuse led to self-harm, and, coupled with the pain of unexplained symptoms such as skin blistering and extreme fatigue, she was given an incorrect diagnosis of bipolar disorder.
“I was on lithium, I was on everything,” she tells Beyond Beautiful. “I reacted really badly… I was hallucinating … I had drug-induced schizophrenia for close to six years.”

How is your health?
I’m in a good place right now. Every single day is different but I’m in a great head space. My skin condition is basically the same but I’ve been able to give my body more of a break so I can feel more like myself.
How are you feeling now, a few years after your horrific misdiagnosis?
People always forget about that. I could cry right now. I’ve come from [being on] a disability pension for 10 years. It’s only been two years since I’ve been out of that.
How do you remain so positive after all you’ve been through?
Hard work – lots of work that people will never, ever understand. I have days when
I’m a bitch or a horrible human being, but as a whole, I’ve done an extreme amount of mental work on myself.
Life can be really s–t. It can be really hard. We’re always stressed, we’re always losing loved ones … I’m scared about being hurt. I spend a lot of time with myself regrouping and looking at how I can make progress in everything.

Did they look after your mental health on the show?
One hundred per cent. It annoys me when you hear these people say there is no mental health support from the network. I just go, “really?” because that is not my experience. People do weird things for weird reasons.
How did you end up on the show again?
I feel like, if at first you don’t succeed, you have to try again. What people forgot the first time, because they were so focused on the cheating scandal that surrounded me and the body shaming, they forgot about the reason I was on there – to find a relationship.
Were you dating in between seasons?
I definitely was dating. [But] people were so focused on the show there was no–one wanting to get to know me for me. They either thought they were going to get a damsel, someone who couldn’t hold their own, or they were going to get a complete party animal psycho. It’s funny because I don’t drink alcohol. Once a month I come out of hibernation and I go out and it looks like I’m on every single thing but I’m just on, like, Allen’s lollies.
It was really hard because people I dated didn’t want to get to know me on any level. They were very much like, “I want to save you”, but not even listening to what I had to say. Or basically they said I’m not the party girl they thought I was, so basically, “you’re boring”.

What did you learn from last season?
I literally came out of that and wanted to nurture myself and be the best possible version of myself. I still struggle on a day to day basis, but I just wanted to really nurture mind, body, soul, everything. Relationship–wise I learned people aren’t always who they appear to be. People can be so two-faced.
Have you spoken to Sam Ball since?
Oh God no. I wish him all the best. I know people will just say that’s really diplomatic of me, but you never know what someone’s going through. You can only judge how someone acts towards you.
Are you friends with Cyrell?
No. I wish her all the best though. You form relationships with people and it’s upsetting. There’s no point dwelling on it, you have to set yourself free. There’s no point harbouring any resentment or anything whatsoever.
Need help? Call Lifeline on 131 114, visit, or call beyond blue on 1300 224 636. If you would like to talk to someone about mental health call Headspace on 1800 650 890.
If you are contemplating suicide or having suicidal thoughts, please call Lifeline on 13 11 14, or the Suicide Call Back Service on 1300 659 467. If you are in immediate danger, call 000
If you or someone you know is affected by sexual assault or family violence, call the 1800RESPECT hotline or visit You can also call the Domestic Violence Hotline on 1800 656 463.
You can read the rest of the story in this week’s WHO – OUT NOW