Do these photos prove Michael Brunelli got a nose job?

His schnoz is all bandaged up
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Just weeks after admitting he’s keen to undergo a second nose job, MAFS star Michael Brunelli has broken his nose again paying football.

Does this footage prove Michael got a nose job?

It looks like that rhinoplasty will be coming sooner rather than later!

Michael’s girlfriend and fellow MAFS star, Martha Kalifatidas shared video footage of the TV hunk exercising with a big bandage across his nose.

Michael his no stranger to cosmetic work, having admitted during his honeymoon with Martha that he’d previously had a nose job following another football injury.

(Credit: Instagram)
(Credit: Instagram)

‘I’ve had my nose broken and I had that fixed straight,’ the 28-year-old confessed.

‘That was cosmetic to put it straight back in place… The rest of me is the way I was made!’

Luckily, Michael’s surgically enhanced schnoz didn’t bother his TV wife in the slightest.

‘I think every guy I’ve ever dated has had a nose job! I mean, it’s just another one on the list,’ Martha admitted.

Recently, Michael revealed that he’s keen to undergo more surgery on his nose.

‘Looking at my nose now, there may be another nose job in the future but that won’t be until after I finish my footy playing career,’ he explained to The Daily Telegraph.

‘I think it doesn’t look better than before [it was broken]. It’s still crooked. It probably isn’t visible to the naked eye, but it isn’t aligned with my face like it was before.’  

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