
Jules and Cam take a break on Married At First Sight

This is heartbreaking to watch.
Channel 9

On Sunday night’s episode of Married At First Sight Final vows has Cameron Merchant and Jules Robinson feeling emotional.



Before they head into final vows the couples have to spend a week apart in order to decide whether they leave or stay together – which will prove to be an issue for the loved-up couple who haven’t been away from each other since they got married.

 Expert John Aiken makes a valid point, suggesting that even a steady couple like Cam and Jules could struggle at this stage. “Some time away could begin to make them question if they’ll work outside the safety bubble of their experiment.”

 “I do feel like my legs been cut off. We’ve been each other’s shadow,” Jules begins before tearing up. “I don’t want to say goodbye to him today, you don’t, I know it’s a good thing we’re gonna spend time apart, but I really feel uncomfortable about not contacting each other.


“Do we really have to move? Can we just not do that? This has just been home” Cam says in agreement. “There’s been a lot of first times, a lot of good memories.”

jules cameron
(Credit: Channel 9)

Can they make it in the real world? We HOPE SO!

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