
EXCLUSIVE: The Voice star breaks silence on cheating scandal

Wolf Winters spills what REALLY happened when Guy Sebastian bent the rules.
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After an impressive performance of Simon & Garfunkel’s The Sound of Silence at his Blind Audition, 31-year-old Wolf Winters found himself at the centre of a scandal.


WATCH: The Voice’s Guy Sebastian breaks the rules to turn for Wolf Winters

Unbeknownst to Wolf, coach Guy Sebastian’s team was already full – but he turned his chair anyway and chaos ensued.

An executive producer was forced to step in and sort out the mess that Guy’s move had caused as fellow coaches Kelly Rowland and Boy George hurled accusations of cheating towards their Aussie counterpart.

Speaking to Who on Tuesday, Wolf weighs in on the controversy and reveals how it felt to be in the middle of the headline-making drama.

Wolf Winters The Voice
Wolf Winters found himself at the centre of controversy when Guy Sebastian turned his chair for him – despite his team being full. (Credit: Channel Nine)

“On stage it was a little bit odd and we go on there not having a clue as to how many spaces are left on each team so when Guy turned I legitimately thought I was through, nothing was wrong,” Wolf explains.

“Then everyone kinda perked up and then things started to get a little bit weird.”

The Victorian-based singer added that things were even more intense than they appeared on TV when production stopped and an executive producer was forced to intervene to figure out how to move forward after Guy broke the show’s rules.


“It felt like I was up there forever,” Wolf admits. “But it was probably like, maybe 15 minutes, I’m really not too sure.”

Guy Sebastian cheating scandal
The Voice’s executive producer was forced to step in when Guy broke the rules. (Credit: Channel Nine)

Wolf was eventually allowed to continue in the competition as part of Guy’s team with the stipulation that he must be part of a three-way battle instead of a two-person battle, where only one team member will go through.

The reality star is diplomatic when weighing in on whether Guy’s actions could be considered unfair.


“It’s difficult to answer that question [whether it’s cheating or not] without being biased,” he says.

“I am so happy that it happened. I can’t knock the decision but I’m glad that it did. It wasn’t taking a spot away from someone else. However, it will affect the battles that are coming up next week. So I don’t know.”

Wolf Winters
The singer admits he’s happy he made it through despite the drama. (Credit: Channel Nine)

He adds: “I personally am happy about it, I’m hoping the public can overlook what’s happened and the controversy behind it and maybe they’ll like what they hear from me.”


And as for his rivals? According to Wolf, the other artists have been nothing but supportive of him making it through the Blind Audition round.

“Every artist that I’ve met on the show so far has been absolutely supportive. As far as I’m aware, no one had an issue with it,” he says.

“They’ve all said I’m part of this team, part of the show so yeah they’re all just so lovely and so gracious.”

The Voice continues Sunday 7pm on Channel Nine.


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