Ruby Rose has been rushed to hospital, in a traumatic incident that she says left her ‘screaming, crying and fainting.’
The star of The Meg was in Hungary filming a new role, when a silicon ear plug – which are commonly used on set to protect against dangerously loud noises – became lodged in her after degrading into a glue-like substance.
‘I’ve had a couple co-stars end up in hospital because of ear plugs from films with gunfire and other loud noises ended up being lodged in their ear canals,’ the Aussie star told social media followers.
‘I always made fun of them … I will never make fun of them again!’
The drama only got worse for Ruby when she arrived at a local hospital, which featured facilities that were far from those she’s used to – with the star describing it as the ‘scariest hospital I’ve every seen’.
‘If you never see me again, I hope my organs went to wonderful people,’ she quipped.
‘It took over an hour, three doctors and a lot of screaming, crying and fainting to remove what had become glue around my ear drum BUT THEY DID IT.’
She now says that her brush with the standard of health care in the eastern European country has left her eager to help improve things.
‘I’m looking for ways to help in any small way. DM if you have info on that. Because from the research we did it’s more complex than it should be.’