Family matters—and for Guy and Jules Sebastian, it is the driving force behind their charitable works. Since 2013, the couple’s Sebastian Foundation has been promoting initiatives that benefit families in need. And it all started when they looked around their own lounge room and realised how much they had.
“Once we had our own family,” says Jules, “we realised just how lucky and blessed we were to have healthy children we could nurture, raise and send out into the world. We also knew other people were doing it tougher than us, so we wanted to show them we cared and valued them—to give them a bit of a head start in life.”

At an exclusive photo shoot for WHO’s Most Beautiful People issue, 35-year-old Guy and 36-year-old Jules explained that their own upbringings influenced them, too.
“My parents really led from the home,” says Guy. “They would take in so many people who were outcast, lonely, downtrodden, sick… and they showed them love.”
Jules cites her family’s sponsorship of children through World Vision: “I remember writing letters and having pictures up around the house. My mum really taught us about where and how they lived, so they became real people to us and not just a face.”
Now the duo are preparing their own children—sons Hudson, 5, and Archer, who turns 3 on April 17—to pay it forward.
“Children are amazing because they’re so innocent,” says Jules. “They haven’t experienced how hard things can be. So we hope our own kids see what an impact giving back can make, and hopefully we are inspiring them to someday do the same.”
For more from our exclusive interview and photo shoot with Guy and Jules Sebastian, pick up the bumper Most Beautiful People double issue of WHO at newsagents now.

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