
Looking for an alternate Valentine’s Day experience?

These shows and movies are all being released on February 14 ... and they're not what you'd call romantic
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Whether you’re dateless this Valentine’s Day or you are loved up but looking for a way to celebrate that’s a little left-of-centre, there are a number of entertainment options on Thurs., Feb. 14 that are a bit different to the standard dinner and flowers routine.


Watch somebody’s else’s relationship nightmare

The long-awaited TV adaptation of Dirty John drops on Netflix on Valentine’s Day. Based on the true crime podcast of the same name, the series tells the story of interior designer Debra Newell (Connie Britton) and the conman (Eric Bana) she lets into her life. The decision to release the series on the most romantic day of the year is a move that’s clearly designed to appeal to people who either want to a) be reminded about how great their relationship is by comparison to what Debra goes through or b) feel relieved that they’re not in a relationship when this is the type of thing that’s out there in the world.

Get scared senseless

There are advantages to seeing a scary movie on Valentine’s Day – you have a legitimate excuse for hand-holding and leg-grabbing, especially if you’re on a first day when such things might not be a given. And so it’s perfect timing for slasher sequel Happy Death Day 2U  to hit cinemas. Likewise, if you’re spending Feb. 14 solo, why not see a film that’s about as far removed from romance as you can get?


Head into the future

Horror not your thing? Big budget action film Alita: Battle Angel is also in cinemas on Thurs., Feb. 14. From the creative team behind Avatar, it’s a fast-paced adventure set 500 years in the future and unlikely to be the film of choice for sickeningly smoochy couples to make out during, if you want to avoid that type of thing. Or, if you are on a date, it’s a good way of saying to your partner, “Yes, If Beale Street Could Talk and What Men Want are also released today, but let’s do something unpredictable!”

Get outraged


If you’re feeling angry at the world that you’re single on Valentine’s Day, take a reality check by tuning in to SBS documentary Killer In Our Classroom: Never Again (airs Thurs., Feb. 14 at 8.35pm), which deals with the aftermath of the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School shooting exactly a year ago. It’s a sobering reminder that there’s more to fret about than not being able to find a date.

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